October 24 – 26, 2018 in Lviv will be held XVI International Dental Exhibition “Dental®-Ukraine” and XVI International Dental Forum
October 25 (13: 00-18: 00)
Meister class
“The initial master-class from the dental implantation of the demonstration manual on the phantom models of the crack”
Organizer: U-Impl Company
Rizhov Valentin Petrovich, doctor of medicine, doctor of medicine, member of the AMU, lecturer at the main department of U-Imp;
Koval Mariya Sergіїvna, doctor of medicine, doctor-implantologist, member of the AMU, vikladach UNIVERSITY NMAPO Shupika, expert in the food of the dental implantation company U-Imp
Missical held: 3rd on top, conference hall No. 3, Lviv Palace of the Mystats (Kopernika Street, 17)
Contact phone:
050 444 02 03